SIT DOWN - although it doesn't
seem to work when getting into the car seat
LIE DOWN - sometimes given as a
command to those who won't play the lie down game
NESS - as in auntie ness
PAPA - as in Papa Bear
GRANMA - granma carol
UNCLE - as in Uncle Abey and Uncle
Al (both of whom are staring on the kitchen fridge)... but
seeing them in person is a real hoot.
AUNTIE - or some people may think
it's "AUNT-E"... right Deena
ELMO - in pictures and mirrors
ERNIE - my favourite sesame st.
character... but there's no bias there
PIANO - budding musician... I feel
sorry for the neighbours sometimes
DRUM - ditto
COW, PIG, DUCK - what a happy farm
MOO - what does cow say?
YELLOW - what better way to
describe a duck
TURTLE - Unfortunately doesn't
live on the farm
NANA - better known as Ashana (A.
Zoreen's daughter)
NOSE - everyone should have one...
and I can show you
MOUTH - all the better to eat you
HAND - for getting into things
TOES - easy to grab with hands
SHOES AND HAT - lord help us if
she gets her parent's shoe addiction
COOKIE - can refer to either
cookie monster or an arrowroot
MORE - more please.. for the
little piglet
BUNNY - why not, they're cute
ALL DONE - refers to bottles (food
in general really) and more recently when mummy is tired pushing
Mori on the tricycle.
NO - it's amazing what they can
pick up after you say it a million times.
LEGO - which by the way she has
SHOWER - sometimes take way too
long when you want to see mummy or daddy
TOY - anything with bright colours
PHONE - could also be a toy
OPEN AND CLOSED - cause cupboards
make the best toys
TWO - comes after one
EIGHT - now we just need to work
on the ones in between
POO - guess what I'm doing
MUSIC - accompanied by dancing
WATER - associated with pools,
bottles and lakes
CAST - just nice to touch!